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Comparison of Cloud Instances and Serverless Functions

Cloud instances and serverless functions are two popular technologies for running applications and services in the cloud. While both technologies offer a way to run code in the cloud, they have some key differences that make them suitable for different use cases and scenarios. In this article, we’ll take a look at what cloud instances and serverless functions are, how they work, and compare them in terms of performance, cost, flexibility, and ease of use.

Cloud Instances

A cloud instance is a virtual machine (VM) that runs in the cloud. Cloud instances can be thought of as a way to rent a virtual computer in the cloud. Like a physical computer, a cloud instance needs its own operating system with reserved storage, memory, and CPU. This lets you run any software on a cloud instance that you could run on a physical computer, including operating systems and applications.

When you launch a cloud instance, you can choose the type of instance you want to use, such as a small, medium, or large instance, depending on the resources you need. You can also choose the operating system and the software that you want to have pre-installed on the instance. Cloud instances can be easily resized, stopped, started and terminated.

Cloud instances offer a lot of flexibility and control over the resources and software that runs on them. However, this flexibility also comes with some responsibility. You are responsible for maintaining the instance, including updates, backups and monitoring. Also, you pay for the resources (e.g. CPU, memory) you’ve reserved even when you don’t need them.

Serverless Functions

Serverless functions, also known as “function as a service” (FaaS), are a way to run code in the cloud without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure. With serverless functions, you simply write your code and then deploy it to the cloud. The cloud provider takes care of everything else, including scaling, patching, and monitoring.

The main advantage of serverless functions is that you only pay for the compute resources that your code actually uses when triggered by an event. For example, if your code only runs for a few seconds, you only pay for a few seconds of computing resources. This can make serverless functions more cost-effective for certain types of workloads that don’t require a lot of resources all the time.

Another advantage of serverless functions is that they are highly scalable. Because the cloud provider takes care of scaling and provisioning resources, your serverless functions can automatically scale up or down based on demand. This can make serverless functions well-suited for applications or services that have variable traffic patterns or unpredictable workloads.

However, serverless functions are limited by the stateless architecture, where each function execution runs independently and cannot share data. This makes it difficult to share the state between multiple function invocations and makes it more complex for certain types of workloads.

Comparison of Cloud Instances and Serverless Functions

Performance and scalability

Both cloud instances and serverless functions are capable of running high-performance workloads. Cloud instances offer more consistent performance, while the performance of serverless functions can be affected by the underlying infrastructure and the number of requests. In terms of scalability, serverless functions are highly scalable and can automatically scale up or down based on demand, while cloud instances require manual scaling.


Serverless functions are generally more cost-effective for workloads that don’t require a lot of resources all the time, as you only pay for the compute resources that your code actually uses. Cloud instances, on the other hand, require you to pay for the resources you reserve even when you don’t need them, making it more expensive for certain types of workloads.

Flexibility and ease of use

Cloud instances offer more control and flexibility over the resources and software that runs on them, allowing you to run any software on them. Serverless functions, on the other hand, are easier to use and don’t require as much management and maintenance.

Use cases

In terms of use cases and scenarios, here are some examples where one technology may be more suitable than the other:

For cloud instances

Cloud instances are well-suited for running long-running workloads with software applications that require an operating system, such as databases, web servers, and application servers. They are also good for running workloads that require a consistent level of resources, such as big data processing and machine learning workloads.

For serverless functions

Serverless functions are well-suited for event-driven workloads that do not require an operating system, such as running a function in response to an event, such as an incoming email or a file upload. They are also good for running workloads that have variable traffic patterns or unpredictable workloads, such as image processing, data validation, and real-time data processing.

It’s worth noting that these use cases are not mutually exclusive and some workloads can be run on either cloud instances or serverless functions depending on the specific requirements.


In conclusion, cloud instances and serverless functions are two popular technologies for running applications and services in the cloud. Both technologies offer a way to run code in the cloud, but they have some key differences that make them suitable for different use cases and scenarios.

Cloud instances offer more control and flexibility over the resources and software that runs on them, allowing you to run any software on them. They are well-suited for running long-running workloads, such as databases, web servers, and application servers. They are also good for running workloads that require a consistent level of resources, such as big data processing and machine learning workloads.

Serverless functions, on the other hand, are easier to use and don’t require as much management and maintenance. They are well-suited for event-driven workloads, such as running a function in response to an event, such as an incoming email or a file upload. They are also good for running workloads that have variable traffic patterns or unpredictable workloads, such as image processing, data validation, and real-time data processing.

When considering which technology to use, it’s important to take into account the specific requirements of your workload and how it aligns with the strengths and weaknesses of each technology. While cloud instances and serverless functions are not mutually exclusive and some workloads can be run on either, each technology has its own advantages and disadvantages and it’s important to choose the right one based on the specific use case.